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<p>Help Center, FAQ on Vliso AI</p>

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Understand how Chow420 performs its age verification process for hemp CBD purchases 

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Please email [email protected] for communication with us. This can be for issues concerning your order or any other concern about Vliso. We are here to serve you. 

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Request a refund in Vliso cash.

If you have an issue with an order and you need a refund in Vliso cash, simply login to your account and go to this link . Click the "Report Issue" button/link for the product in question and allow 5 days for Vliso to either correct your order or issue you a refund in Vliso cash. If a refund is issued, you will get a refund notification and the refund will be reflected in your Vliso wallet here: Please note that all settled funds in your Vliso wallet can only be applied to future orders during checkout.

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MCT, short for 'medium chain triglycerides' is an odorless carrier oil, derived from fractionated coconut oil,  that helps CBD have a longer shelf life. MCT oil contains healthier fats that aid the quicker absorption of the CBD compound by the body. They are also known for a number of health benefits which include antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. As such MCT oil is the preferred carrier used by many brands to elevate the efficacy of CBD.

Outside the CBD sector, MCT oil has become a staple dietary supplement and personal care additive, further solidifying its status and future within the CBD space towards use as an emollient and high quality carrier oil for CBD products to come. 

MCT Oil Structure 

MCT oils are composed of 6 to 12 carbon structures which are fatty-acid esters of glycerol. These structures are shorter in length than long-chain fatty acids and as such passively diffuse from the gastroitestinal tracts into veins that carry them into the bloodstream. Therefore, MCT oil helps the body absorb CBD quicker than otherwise. 

Deriving MCT oil 

Through a process known as fractionation, MCT oil is derived from palm kernel and coconut oil. During this process, the MCT oil is separated into a concentrate. MCT production involves the use of vegetable oil fatty acids from the natural sources of coconut and palm oil plants. 

Matching MCT oil with CBD 

Though CBD is a beneficial cannabinoid known for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammation, skin care, mental and other relief properties, it is useless unless it can be carried to the human body. To make it accessible to the human body, a carrier oil is needed. The carrier oil functions as a medium through which CBD is absorbed by the body. Hence, MCT oil as a carrier oil, facilitates the bioavailability of CBD and enhances the active deliveruy of stable portions of CBD in different doses for the body. 






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Intro to CBD Preservation

CBD oil does require specific storage practices to allow the product to be effective for a long time. Does this include refridgeration ? one might ask. The answer is ' well not exactly.'

Firstly, there are actual benefits to refridgeration of CBD products. Keeping CBD in the fridge can actually help keep its structural integrity. It prevents the compounds that make up the oil from degrading and also helps to maintain the viscocity of the oil. This comes in handy if you are buying the product in bulk. It is also important if you live in a hot or humid location. Another point is that since premium CBD oil usually does not include preservatives, refridgeration can effectively extend shelf life and preserve your CBD oil. 

So can I freeze it ? 

Freezing CBD oil can alter the structure of its chemical components. Freezing CBD oil thickens it and makes the oil hard to retrieve. The change occurs because the oil has become crystallized. This is more emphasized where carrier oils like coconut oil are present. 

To unfreeze/thaw CBD oil, simply run the bottle under warm watter or let it sit out under room temperature. 


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