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Chow420 by Vliso

Chow420 by Vliso


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Why Us?

Way more than a marketplace

Due to the contamination of hemp products, we use smart identities to enforce product testing
We use AI to add an extra level of transparency into the benefits and downsides of products
Pricing is a priority for us. We use AI to give you the best pricing and shipping rates from brands

Chow420 by Vliso

Welcome to Vliso, your premier cannabis delivery service in Minneapolis, MN. We specialize in fast delivery of top-quality wellness products, CBD products, THC edibles, and a wide range of hemp-derived items. As a leading cannabis dispensary in the Triangle area, we are committed to providing exceptional customer service and an extensive selection to meet your needs. Whether you're searching for recreational dispensary services near you or require assistance with medical cannabis, Vliso is your trusted partner in Minneapolis, MN

Frequently asked questions

Yes. CBD which contains less than 0.3% THC is legal in Minnesota.
Hemp CBD products which contain less than 0.3% THC are legal in Minnesota. All Vliso products are vetted for labeling accuracy and lab rest reports.
Hemp CBD is different from THC. It cannot cause a euphoric high similar to delta-9 THC as is often imagined with marijuana.
We provide transparency through the provision of product content lab report data on a blockchain platform. The other way that we provide transparency is through the deployment of an AI-powered tool which extracts content details from each product and details the properties of the said products.
The Vliso Minneapolis fulfillment center can satisfy any order for CBD products within 24 to 48 hours. Simply hop on chow420.com and place your order now.
Recommended dosage for CBD is somewhere between 20 to 40mg per day. Regarding CBD oil, you can begin with half of the dropper twice a day.
For residents of Minneapolis and other parts of Minnesota, Vliso is the ideal place where you can buy effective pain relief CBD. We can deliver to your address in less than 24 hours.